Saturday, March 9, 2013

12 Mile Run

 The students ran 12 miles today.  They actually ran a bit more than 12 miles but we didn't tell them that before hand.  They ran around the lake 4 times.  Mentally I thought this was going to be a tough run for most of them.  Not only was this the furthest distance they've run but it's also hard to run the same route 4 times.  They did mix it up by changing directions but still it was going to be a huge challenge.

The kids did great though!  They each had either Gu or Clif Shot Blocks to take during the run.   They were practicing with fueling while being out on long distances.  They really worked hard and did amazing.  I was so proud of them.

Junior was strong and stayed in the lead the whole time.  He's going to do great at the half marathon!

Following close behind Junior was Ivan and Alex running with Mr. Schooler. 

JJ and Ana Laura did great running together most of the time.  I was really impressed to see JJ sprinting toward the end.  She definitely finished strong!

Janette and Jasmine looked good the entire time.  You wouldn't have thought they were working so hard with the smiles on their faces!

Anthony cracked me up.  He definitely took the idea of refueling while running to a new level.  Whenever we saw him running he was always eating something. I found out after he finished that he ate three Clif bars and 2 Gus during that run!

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