Thursday, January 17, 2013

Students Running on their Own

We've been telling the students from the beginning that in addition to the two weekly runs we do together, it's important for them to run on their own at least one additional time as well.  Until now though no one has done it. 

Eduardo recaps a run he did this afternoon with Ana Laura and JJ (Jaontra):

Following every run we heard the emphasis from Mrs. Schooler that
we should do an extra run or two during the week. Being a busy student, I
didn't think I had the time to go on an extra run. Luckily JJ, Ana
Laura, and I had a free period, so we decided it was time to listen to
the Schoolers.

As soon as we started our run we realized it was fairly
hot outside. Although the sun was beaming down on us, the first mile seemed
much easier than we had anticipated. We decided to practice pacing
ourselves and conserving our energy on the first mile. As soon as we
reached our one mile point we decided to take a detour, thus adding an
additional half a mile to our run. It wasn't until the run back to the
school that I started sweating, but I was still feeling good. Once we
finished our run and stretched in front of the school we ran to Mrs.
Schooler's room and told her about our run. She mapped out our run (2.6
miles) and then invited us on another three and a half mile run that afternoon with her, but I
definitely didn't want to be out in the sun again.

In the end the run paid off and left me feeling ready for the next training session.

Lesson Learned: Listen to the Schoolers, they know what they're doing.

I was so happy to see Eduardo, JJ, and Ana Laura after their run!  I hope they continue to add on an additional run or two each week.  Come March 24th they'll be glad they did!

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